Alhamisi, 6 Aprili 2017


Praise the Lord!
I am very glad to contact you once more, it is just the unfailing love of Jesus Christ on us. It is not because we deserve, no!
   Dear brother/sister in Jesus, I would like to post this essential realm in our life of what have we to do to achieve financial freedom according to God's plan..
You are warmly welcome!

1. Transfer Ownership to God
      The saved must transfer ownership of every possession to God. This means money, time, material possessions, education, even earning potential for the future. This is essential to experience the spirit-filled life in the area of finances (See Psalms 8:4-6).
    We must realize that there no substitute for this step. If we believe that we are the owners of even a single possession, then the events affecting that possession are going to affect our attitudes. God will not force His will on us. He will not input His perfect will into our lives unless we first surrender our wills to Him.
However, if we make a total transfer of everything to God, He will demonstrate His ability. It is important to demonstrate and accept God's conditions for His control (Deut 5:32-33). God will keep His promise to provide every need we have through physical, material, and spiritual means, according to His perfect plan.

It is simple to say that we will make a total transfer of everything to God, but it is not so simple to do. At first, we will experience some difficulty in consistently seeking God's will in the area of material things, because we are so accustomed to self-management and control. But financial freedom comes from knowing God is in control. 
What a great relief it is to turn our burdens over Him. Uhuru wa kifedha kibiblia . Then, if something happens to car, we can say, "Father, I gave this car to You; I 've maintained it to the best of my ability, but I don't own it. It belongs to you, so do with it whatever you would like, "Then look for the blessing God has in store as a result of this attitude.
Transfering your possessions to God does not mean taking all you possess to your church but if Holy Spirit leads and directs you there do to accordingly.
The next method will be "how to become Dept Free" biblically. Have a nice life and much blessing!

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Chapisha Maoni