Alhamisi, 2 Machi 2017



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Good evening my dear friends!
It's my hope that you are all fine.
Employability skills  are skills you need for a job.
For many people today, a career for life is no longer an option. Most people will hold jobs with a variety of employers and move across different employment sectors through their their working life.

         We all need to be flexible in our working working patterns and be prepared to change jobs and/ or sectors if we believe there are better opportunities elsewhere.

In order to be flexible we need a set of "transferable skills"- Skills that are not specific to one particular career path but are generic across all employment sectors.

The Job Skills Employers are Looking For
Employers are often looking for skills that go beyond qualifications and experience.
While your education and experience may make you eligible to apply for a job, to be successful in the role you will need to exhibit a mix of skills: "employability skills". 
This means that, the specialist, technical skills associated with different roles may be less important than the "soft skills" that can be transfered between different jobs and different sectors.
For many employers, getting the right people means identifying people with the right skills and qualities to fulfil the role and contribute to the organisation's success. Candidates may have the qualifications and "hard skills" needed to be able to manage the job role but, without a well-honed set of "soft skills", employers are less inclined to hire.

What are employability skills?
Those are skills necessary for getting, keeping and being successful in a job. They are the skills and attitudes that enable employyees to get along with their colleagues, to make critical decisions, solve problems, develop respect and ultimately become strong ambassadors for the organization.
Employment or "soft skills" are the foundation of your career building blocks and they are frequently referenced in the media as lacking in school-leavers, graduates and those already in employment (in-service).
Organisations spend a lot of money and time training staff, not in job specific areas but in general and basic skills.
NOTE: In times of high unemployment, employers have more choice of applicants and will favor those with well-rounded employability skills.
Keep in mind:
Different roles require different skill sets and abilities.
Here at VIPAUMBELEKWANZA there will forthcome a series of skills you need to help you get a job. The series are:
1. Writing a CV
2. Applying for a Job
3. Writing a covering Letter
4. Writing an effective Linked in profile
5. Interview Skills.
May you be blessed, yours author Faustin Mahende. 

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